What's in the Stars today, December 25?

The Aquarian energy of the Moon creates the right atmosphere for you to celebrate Christmas with friends or people that lift your spirits, to enjoy a surprise or two as well as special festive events...

Moon in Aquarius

A big

day, the world celebrates the blessed birth of Christ! The Moon in Aquarius brings the need to see Christmas from a different perspective and do something different to what you did in previous years. Universal values such as love, peace and freedom speak to your heart and the Aquarian energy of the Moon creates the right atmosphere for you to celebrate Christmas with friends or people that lift your spirits, to enjoy a surprise or two as well as special festive events, and you may do something that will surprise people!

Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn & square Uranus in Aries

Tension and arguments go public! These days there will be shocking news and developments in politics. At the same time the Uranus – Pluto square has been charging the air – especially since the end of November – causing tension and negativity. Today's involvement of Mercury in the square brings a deluge of negative thoughts, unexpected negative messages, outbursts, fights, revelations and words that go up against brotherly love and peace. It's up to you to avoid them. Be careful when moving about and try not to say things that may have unforeseen consequences.

Your lucky star is very bright if you are Aquarius, Gemini, Libra of the second and third decan.

If you are Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer born at the beginning of the second decan or if you have planets and astrological markers between 9º and 15º of the above cardinal signs, circumstances today demand that you act sensibly and modestly despite the difficulties.

Astrology.gr wishes that the birth of the Son of God fills your heart with joy and hope!

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