What's in the Stars today, December 27?
With the Moon in the water and esoteric sign of Pisces, you follow the map and set out on a new esoteric and spiritual voyage that makes you feel calm and in a good mood, a necessary element
Moon in Pisces – Cluster of planets in Capricorn
Sailing new seas on the Christmas ship! The atmosphere may be festive but the New Moon in Capricorn the previous days showed you a new map regarding professional, political and social issues and with three planets in the sky in Capricorn your attention is focused on these issues. Today, with the Moon in the water and esoteric sign of Pisces, you follow the map and set out on a new esoteric and spiritual voyage that makes you feel calm and in a good mood, a necessary element in order to pursue your new targets. Things that boost your mood or strengthen contact with your inner source of peace are favoured today.
Aspects of the Moon
When austerity, a classic style, stability and caution create beauty! The sextile of the Moon with Mercury in Capricorn early in the morning shows that inner peace and imagination can result in effective contacts, movement and developments. At 17:43 the Moon forms a sextile with Venus and situations that have to do with love, art, beauty and purchases form a dreamy setting, but only as long as they bear the mark of credibility and moderation.
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune at 5º Pisces
Putting your heart in whatever you do is what matters! The Sun in Capricorn stresses the need for efficiency regarding work and personal issues or other important areas of your life. Today's sextile it forms with Neptune indicates that these days you can achieve remarkable results as long as you're spiritually present – not only physically and intellectually – in whatever you do. Festivities, artistic performances, romantic occasions, music events, shows and activities based on religious sentiments are favoured!
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn or Taurus, with a bit of extra grace if you were born in the first decan!
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great day if you combine productivity with imagination, practicality and economy with beauty, stability and earnestness with romanticism, tradition and a classic style with dreams.
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