What's in the Stars today, December 3?
One of the luckiest aspects of the month peaks tomorrow – the fire trine of Venus with Jupiter – and promises happy moments and gifts in love and money...
How to have a wonderful
Smile, say thank you, put something nice on, put some perfume on, pay attention and listen to other people, slow down, laugh, wish everyone a beautiful day!
Moon in Taurus
Be calm and enjoy the day! With the Moon in Taurus your wish for things to be calm and in order is stronger. At the same time, you focus on all the things that make you feel safe or give you pleasure. Therefore, today you are occupied with income, emotional issues, as well as anything to do with food, love and the arts.
Venus in applying trine to Jupiter
Days of joy, happiness and good luck! One of the luckiest aspects of the month peaks tomorrow – the fire trine of Venus with Jupiter – and promises happy moments and gifts in love and money. Partnerships, unions, love affairs, happy cultural events are at the forefront, and moves for financial expansion are favoured as the universe promises good fortune when it comes to money. Happy things will happen! You better believe it!
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo of the first decan, and Sagittarius, Leo, Aries born at the end of the second decan or at the beginning of the third.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, the day is perfect for matters of financial and emotional nature as it promises joy and happiness in both areas!
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