What's in the Stars today, December 5?
No matter how busy you are, your social life is very active today. You may meet new people or feel drawn to people with special abilities, especially in areas to do with knowledge, entertainment, sport...
Moon in Taurus
Your mood for practicality shuts down and the spotlight is on merry-making and communication! In the morning, avoid activities that are tiring or boring and only do things you enjoy. There could be delays and setbacks. At 12:28 the Moon moves into the airy and cerebral sign of Gemini and you are in a light and chatty mood. In the evening, if you meet or flirt with new people, make sure a) you are not sabotaged by your anxiousness and nerves and b) you don't get carried away and perplexed by words.
Mars moves into Aquarius from 5/12/2014 to 12/1/2015
Do it like no one else does it! With Mars, the planet of action, in the sign that loves freedom and originality, from 5/12/2014 to 12/1/2015 cut your own path and do things your own special way. During that time actions and initiatives are activated which have to do with friends, companies of people, teams and clubs, the internet and technology. If there is an area of your life in which you want to gain independence or develop smart and ground-breaking ideas, now is the time to do it!
Sun in Sagittarius trine Uranus at 12º Aries
Surprises bring joy to you and your friends or acquaintances! No matter how busy you are, your social life is very active today. You may meet new people or feel drawn to people with special abilities, especially in areas to do with knowledge, entertainment, sport, foreign countries or travelling about. Spectacular or amazing events can make this day very exciting for you and other people.
Today you have three lucky stars if you are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius of the first decan, and five if you are Sagittarius, Leo or Aries of the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, happiness will knock on your door provided you don't act selfishly but as part of a team.
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