What's in the Stars today, February 10?
Today, beautiful memories can turn out to be useful in the near and distant future
Moon in Gemini and in Cancer
Monday, February 10, and the week begins with the Moon in Gemini handing over the torch to the Moon in Cancer.
Moon trine Mercury
Your mind goes back in time to learn about the future. It's very likely that the trine between the Moon and Mercury in the afternoon will make you remember the good old times. Beautiful memories can turn out to be useful in the near and distant future. So, keep a record of all the times when you experienced something beautiful and powerful or when you were able to overcome an adversity. They will remind you that you can always do it again.
Moon trine Neptune
Just before six in the evening the Moon – Neptune trine fills the air with love, care and affection giving things a sentimental tint. Emotion, inner peace, good expression and an air of romance are some of the manifestations of this beautiful aspect.
Water signs Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio born in the first decan are lucky today.
Have a good week! Don't keep a tab only of the things that went wrong, but of the things you've overcome as well!
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