What's in the Stars today, February 14?
With the chatty, cheerful and hot Moon in Sagittarius, whether you are in a relationship or single, you can have loads of fun!
Moon in Sagittarius
Not every flower symbolises love, but the rose can do! Not every individual can touch your heart, but the
Moon in Sagittarius square Venus in Pisces
Even if Valentine's Day doesn't mean much to you, you'll enjoy sweet moments! At 10:31 in the morning, the positive, optimistic and outgoing Moon in Sagittarius forms a square aspect with romantic Venus in Pisces. Even if you are against or have got valid reasons to oppose the celebration of love, messages, sweet talk, cheerful lines or philosophical adages about love will carry you away to the hot mood of the day.
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Sun in Aquarius
Get ready for surprises and for unexpected sexy moments! The adventurous Moon in Sagittarius meets surprising Uranus at 16:45 and helps you to prepare something special and rekindle your relationship with sexy surprises. Impossible, sudden, different, and exciting things can happen today while you may use technology for the needs of love by attaching a love song to an email. Unexpectedly pleasant and erotic events are likely to happen!
Moon in Sagittarius square Mars in Pisces
On Valentine's Day don't fall into the trap of arguments and clichés! At 17:14 the Sagittarius Moon forms its final aspect with Mars in Pisces setting the tune for the rest of the day. Tension may be caused because of bantering, exaggeration, sloppiness and all kinds of thoughtlessness that go against your desire for romantic moves and for action with more feeling, romance and soul-seeking. Having said that, you don't need the holy trinity of flowers, chocolates, and champagne to have a good time. The passion of love has many faces today and can flare up even if your mood is casual.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo or Aquarius, Libra of the third decan and Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer of the third decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, today you can go out, go for a drink, go dancing, go on a day trip with your partner, send messages and have a great time taking advantage of every opportunity for fun and joy.
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