What's in the Stars today, February 26?
if you want to achieve something important, great, or impressive in love, work as well as in any area of your life, you've got to be pioneering, bold and at the same time consistent and persistent...
Moon in Gemini
Bring some joy to your day and your relationships! With the airy, chatty, cheerful and youthful Moon
Mars in Aries trine Saturn at 4° Sagittarius
Great achievements take great risks and a lot of perseverance! Mars in lively and enthusiastic Aries forms a positive aspect with ageless and hard working Saturn in fiery Sagittarius. That means that if you want to achieve something important, great, or impressive in love, work as well as in any area of your life, you've got to be pioneering, bold and at the same time consistent and persistent. Risk a new beginning after good planning, go after your goals with courage and dedication, follow novel methods with persistence and the universe can guarantee that you will emerge victorious.
Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune at 7°
Don't lose hope! Tune into the sound of peace and joy! Just like the sign of Pisces pictures two fish facing the opposite direction, today's conjunction with their ruler Neptune has two sides, a positive one and a negative one. So, on the one hand exhaustion, deception and sadness may lurk in the dark and on the other you're given the opportunity to create something beautiful, to enjoy things with feelings, sounds, beauty and colour and focus your attention to things that stress the calm, love, hope and joy in your life.
You're lucky today if you are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Aries, Leo of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful and breezy Thursday full of ideas, jokes, courtship and fun!
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