What's in the Stars today, February 26?

After five in the afternoon you're inclined to ignore your responsibilities and the solitude that comes with them, become more sociable and do things with friends

Moon in Capricorn

With the Moon in Capricorn since Monday, you feel the urge to achieve something and to be recognised professionally or socially. You activate your logic and embark on a journey that asks for patience, responsibility and discipline. The message of the Moon

in Capricorn is: stay focussed on your goals; you can't reach the top if you lose sight of it.

Moon in Aquarius

After five in the afternoon you're inclined to ignore your responsibilities and the solitude that comes with them, become more sociable and do things with friends or a group you belong to.

Jupiter square Uranus

The aspect between Jupiter and Uranus that culminates today indicates that you get excited by anything that brings the promise of change, progress and evolution. Be careful though and be prudent, not overconfident.

Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo of the last days are lucky until five in the afternoon. After that luck visits Aquarius, Gemini and Libra of the first days.

Have a wonderful day and remember: being moderate doesn't mean that you don't enjoy the pleasures of life; it means that your fire is burning, there is food in the house, money in your pocket, happiness at home, your body is strong and your judgement sound.

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