What's in the Stars today, February 3?
Late in the evening, the trine of the Moon in Leo with Uranus in Aries shows that the night is ideal to go out and have a good time in friendly gatherings and also to enjoy particularly exciting and passionate love
Moon in Leo
Whatever you turn your gaze to ... it sparkles! With the transiting Moon in the fixed and fiery sign of Leo for the second day, this is the perfect day to focus your attention on all those things in your life that are creative, bright and make you happy, because these will bring more light to your life.
Aspects of the Moon
Dare to make changes! The Sun, ruler of today's warm and ambitious Moon in Leo, is in Aquarius and implies circumstances that boost activities that have to do with the intellect, social media, new ideas, friends and changes. Early in the morning, the opposition of the Moon with retrograde Mercury in Aquarius indicates that contacts you make again and intellectual activities you undertake one more time in relation to a new endeavour will go well as long as you are not arrogant and selfish but instead put your heart and determination into whatever you do. Late in the evening, the fiery trine of the glamorous and happy Moon in Leo with sociable Uranus in robust and sexy Aries shows that the night is ideal to go out and have a good time in friendly gatherings and also to enjoy particularly exciting and passionate love moments.
Luck is on your side today if you are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries of the first and second decans.
Astrology.gr wishes you a very beautiful and special day!
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