What's in the Stars today, February 9?
With the Moon – Mars trine, new information, new people and sexual interactions excite your interest and encourage you to discover their many facets.
Moon in Gemini
The beginning of Carnival! It's carnival time again and the Moon in cheerful and cheeky Gemini makes it easier for laughter and fun
Moon trine Sun
A date with love! You're in a light mood and the Moon – Sun trine in the afternoon indicates that you want to flirt, you're open to meeting new people and that you'll enjoy some love play!
Moon trine Mars
The charm of being together! In the evening, with the Moon – Mars trine, new information, new people and sexual interactions excite your interest and encourage you to discover their many facets. Beautiful thoughts and wonderful ideas swarm your mind and you experience a physical and mental awakening!
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius, Aries, Leo born at the end of the second decan and within the third decan are favoured today.
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