What's in the Stars today, January 1?
Happy New Year, enjoy health, happiness and joy! With the Moon in the earthy sign of Taurus, the day is full of rich flavours, beautiful moments,
It's a New Year! Happy New Year, enjoy health, happiness and joy!
We wish you a powerful, happy and joyful new year! 2015 makes an entrance with the Moon in the earthy sign of Taurus which symbolises strength, prosperity, fertility and abundance. Therefore, the day is full of rich flavours, beautiful moments, love joy and material and spiritual gifts. At 19:08 in the evening, the Moon moves into Gemini and the festive spirit of the day continues with happy, witty and funny messages, breezy, lively contacts, colourful events and suggestions for relaxing walks, moving, courtship and fun!
Mars in Aquarius opposite Jupiter at 21º Leo
A cacophony of untoward events! These days, excessive reactions and extreme risks, provocations and stubborn attitudes may put you on the spot. The atmosphere in many gatherings and social activities can be electrified in no time, and as a result, conflicts and outbursts can push things too far. It will prove absolutely pointless though to waste energy and disagree with people who are not willing either to agree or to change. So don't try to change others to make yourself happy; either learn to live without them or accept them for what they are.
The Mars – Jupiter opposition influences you more if you are Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio born at the end of the first decan or the beginning of the second decan, or if your ascendant or other astrological markers are in fix signs between 19º and 24º.
You get the lucky coin if you are Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo of the third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you good health above all! May the new year bring as many joys to your home, your work and your heart as there are stars in the sky!
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![Whats, Stars,January 1](https://images32.inewsgr.com/2006/20063187/Whats-in-the-Stars-today-January-1-1-160.jpg)
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