What's in the Stars today, January 16?
In the afternoon the Moon enters glamorous Leo, the house of life-giving Sun, so it's a good opportunity to prove your worth or to do something that makes you proud and happy.
Don't look back! The Full Moon in Cancer bears the colour of nostalgia so it's very likely that, one way or another, you'll make a journey back in time today. An event may indicate the things you should always remember or the things it's high time you left behind.
Moon in Leo
Be yourself! In the afternoon the Moon enters glamorous Leo, the house of life-giving Sun whose light, fervour and energy permeate life. It's a good opportunity to prove your worth and for your talents to be acknowledged or to do something that makes you proud and happy.
Mercury sextile Uranus
Great idea! Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication, moves in a positive aspect which culminates tomorrow with Uranus, the planet of originality. You find out about technology, space, electricity or modern techniques, you get in touch with original people, participate in a forum, take an unplanned trip or come up with the craziest ideas.
Venus square Mars
Love wars! Your relationship or love affairs can be shaken by actions that oppose compromise or show that the romance has gone. In most cases a separation is the result of serious problems, today though it can be brought upon by an awkward move. Keep your temper, make up and take it out ... in bed.
Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio of the last days are lucky till three in the afternoon. Later in the day Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are the lucky ones.
We can all achieve success if we show our best traits.
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