What's in the Stars today, January 19?

With the Moon in Virgo, your priority should be your mental and physical health. These are of the most importance!

Moon in Virgo

There is a cure! With the Moon in analytical Virgo you tend to scrutinise everything, to moan over breadcrumbs on the carpet and unwashed dishes, and to lose your temper if things are not perfect. Is it worth spoiling your mood

on a Sunday over such trivialities?

Your main responsibility today should not be a battle for perfection, nor tidiness – although it is a demand of Virgo. Your priority should be your mental and physical health. These are of the most importance!

Look after your body, improve your diet, deal with stress and remember that happiness is found in simple things: the touch of Sun on your face, a new leaf on a tree, the smell of freshly baked bread, city lights in the evening, a warm hug. These are the things you should be noticing today.

Moon opposite Neptune

Side effects! In the morning, just before the clock strikes eleven, the Moon forms an opposition with Neptune and you should deal with something abstract and intangible. Try not to get in touch with ill people or take medication that you are sensitive to.

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer of the first decan are favoured today.

Put nagging and whims aside and seek happiness boosters that can charge your batteries for the week that begins tomorrow.

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