What's in the Stars today, January 24?
Through joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, the soul achieves self-awareness and at quarter to ten in the morning you know in your heart that you've got a reason to fight.
Moon in Scorpio
That's it for today! You're really anxious to finish something off or see something through to the end, as the culmination of a circumstance is the ticket
Moon square Sun
You won't take 'no' for an answer! At about twenty past seven in the morning a lot of people raise the banners of war and refuse to accept new circumstances that do not satisfy their wishes and demands.
Moon sextile Pluto
Invincible strength! Through joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, the soul achieves self-awareness and at quarter to ten in the morning you know in your heart that you've got a reason to fight. You're convinced that only by facing your demons you'll become stronger. Financial transactions and love affairs are favoured.
Moon trine Jupiter
A bit of a laugh always helps! At half past eleven at night you want to go out, be sociable, and paint the town red, yet be fully aware of what's happening around you. Even if some people see a social gathering as an opportunity to moan about their lives, the universe will find a way to send the message that 'the only day that was wasted was the day when we didn't have a laugh.'
Mercury trine Mars
New relationships come through different ways of communication! With Mercury in Aquarius the mind is fascinated by uncommon things. With Mercury forming a trine with Mars, anything original and unusual can give new life to something you love, or motivate you to deal with decoration or art, change your style and live a beautiful love affair!
Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, and Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus of the second half of the first decan and the first half of the second decan are favoured today.
It's Friday, therefore something ends and something beautiful begins: the weekend! Enjoy it!
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