What's in the Stars today, January 31?
From today, Venus becomes direct and onwards choices you've made regarding beauty, money and relationships come off the back burner and are dealt with.
Moon in Aquarius
Uranus loathes stagnation and oppression just like progress hates decay. The planet impels you to do what you really want and seek innovation
Venus direct
Job done! From today onwards choices you've made regarding beauty, money and relationships come off the back burner and are dealt with. You may set a new trend or follow a budget to the letter. Regarding romance, you've given enough chances to your past love life. From now on your contacts will be more mature and serious!
Mercury in Pisces
Mercury, the planet of communication, enters the sign of Pisces for thirteen days only before he becomes retrograde and moves back into Aquarius. During that period, daily contacts, thoughts, discussions and travelling are marked by imagination and inspiration, sentimentalism and idealism, as well as lies and confusion. Careful you are not caught unawares!
Jupiter opposite Pluto
We persevere in adversity! In some part of your life you may feel trapped on a sinking ship or that you don't get enough chances to savour life. With Jupiter in opposition with Pluto you want to take control of things and escape the sinking ship using determination as a life-boat!
Air signs Aquarius, Libra, Gemini and fire signs Aries, Sagittarius, Leo born within the second half of the second decan and the whole of the third are lucky today.
Small changes and revivals throughout the day make this Friday extremely exciting!
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