What's in the Stars today, January 5?
With Mercury in the pioneering and progressive sign of Aquarius, your ideas and thoughts can bring positive changes in your routine and your life...
Listen to your feelings and at the same time don't forget what you're worth!
Mercury in Aquarius 5/1 – 13/3
Think out of the box and everything is possible! With Mercury in the pioneering and progressive sign of Aquarius, your ideas and thoughts can bring positive changes in your routine and your life. New roads and exciting opportunities open up when it comes to intellectual activities, sport, transport and movement and also regarding groups of friends, social networks, the Internet, astrology and technology.
Mercury in Aquarius in applying sextile Saturn at 1º Sagittarius
New knowledge and new roads show the path to the top! Mercury is in Aquarius, whose motto is "The best road is the one that takes you forward", and forms a positive aspect with Saturn in Sagittarius which urges you to work for your prosperity and happiness. So these days you shouldn't remain stagnant nor repeat things that don't bring happiness to your life. Make changes and take a new road, literally and figuratively, with constant happiness as your destination.
You are lucky today if you are Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo or Aries of the first days or Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces of the second and third decans.
If you are Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries of the second decan, sudden events will bring festering issues to the surface and will call for a strong will and enormous stamina.
Astrology.gr wishes you a lovely week with positive changes and happy news.
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