What's in the Stars today, July 11?

The tenacious Moon in Capricorn meets redemptive Neptune and you feel that you can find joy in adversity....

Moon in Capricorn

You're on a mission. The countdown to tomorrow's Full Moon has begun and there's a lot of tension in the air regarding work, social as

well as financial and love issues. Don't let fear hold you back and start putting things into perspective. The unbowed Moon in Capricorn shows you how to do it: demonstrate strategic thinking and stamina, work hard and make sure you stay focused.

Moon sextile Neptune

Every cloud has a silver lining! At 18:12 the tenacious Moon in Capricorn meets redemptive Neptune and you feel that you can find joy in adversity. Activities related to professional and spiritual goals are favoured and/or those that give you positive energy.

You are particularly favoured today if you are an earth sign – Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus – and were born in the first decan.

If you are Cancer, Aries or Libra, the best way to deal with rules, constraints and suggestions is to be well-prepared.

Irrespective of sign, dear astrology.gr friend, you can have a good day if you realise that you can be in charge of certain things while in others all you can do is show responsibility in your actions and reactions.

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