What's in the Stars today, July 12?
It's a perfect day to visit beautiful places you love, to meet again with people you like, to go to your favourite peaceful beach, and let your hair down with friends and loved ones
Moon in Gemini – Moon square Neptune
Courtship, fun and plenty of joy from simple things! With the Moon in the breezy and cheerful sign of Gemini the day is perfect to go out, have fun, flirt and appreciate the light side of daily life, and of love and life as well. Escape the worries of your daily routine and be open to having a good time, learning, meeting new people and communicating. Your curiosity is insatiable, but as a lot of things are quite complex today, if you do find any answers, you will have to ask more questions.
Sun in Cancer in applying square to Uranus in Aries
You shouldn't be complacent but you shouldn't panic either! These days there is a lot of insecurity and worry as there are a lot of changes and twists in developments regarding crucial and essential issues for your future. But getting upset and panicking doesn't help. On the contrary, you will feel better if you deal with circumstances with courage and composure.
Mercury in Cancer in applying trine to retrograde Neptune
You should follow the good old recipe for rest, recreation and tranquillity! The universe is calling you today to escape the madness of the times and to not consume yourself in practical matters. Instead, get involved in activities that help your spirit to calm down, relax and get some rest. It's a perfect day to visit beautiful places you love, to meet again with people you like, to go to your favourite peaceful beach, and let your hair down with friends and loved ones.
You are favoured today if you are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius of the first decan. Also, if you are Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio of the first decan. Observe boundaries, keep your cool and distance if you are Cancer, Aries, Libra or Capricorn of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful Sunday where you feel free to experience joy, love and happiness without worrying about the future.
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