What's in the Stars today, July 23?
The Moon in Libra
Summer breeze, stars, love and open air cinemas! Summer is here for good and if you haven't started counting visits to the beach
Sun in Leo from 23/7 to 23/8
Love, live, laugh! Unarguably summer is one of the best times of the year and with the life-giving Sun in the fiery, outgoing and cheerful sign of Leo until 23rd August, you will have the opportunity to enjoy it to the max. Whatever happens in love and in your life in general will be characterised by intensity, while your first choice will be your happiness. Don't waste your time. Have fun, celebrate, enjoy love and let your heart soak up the positive energy of summer.
Mercury in Leo from 23/7 to 7/8
What to pack for the holidays? First of all, good mood and positive thinking! With the planet of communication in the sign of Leo until the 7th August, you will have the possibility to experience more happiness, more love and more vitality. All you need is to put into good use the motto of this passionate but non flexible Mercury: "There's only one way of thinking regardless of what takes place – creative and optimistic".
Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo
A super summer is here! These days are perfect to book tickets, get to a summer destination and decide how and with whom you will spend a beautiful summer. Leave misery behind once and for all, and escape! The days are ideal for beautiful walkabouts, happy holidays, pleasant readings, love affairs and of course, whatever makes you proud, strong and happy. Just make sure you don't get carried away on your high horse.
You are lucky today if you are Libra, Aquarius or Gemini of the third decan, and Aries, Leo or Sagittarius of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day full of the color, fragrance and the music of summer!
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