What's in the Stars today, July 24?

The air is heavy with emotion and there is tension and agitation in the atmosphere

Moon in Scorpio

Secret and untold feelings!

The day is shrouded in an air of mystery, sexual desire and power. If you want to 'read' and interpret the secret

meaning of the things that take place in your professional, personal or any other part of your life, you will need to follow your sentiment and intuition. This is a good day to take advantage of the transformative energy of the moon and turn your daily routine into heaven. Even a thought or laughter can become the trigger. When it comes to love, it claims all and it gets all!

Mars in Cancer in applying square to Uranus at 20º Aries

A time-bomb of developments!

The air is heavy with emotion and there is tension and agitation in the atmosphere. If there are any issues at work, in your relationships or elsewhere that you have bottled up, it's very likely that the safety valve will break and there will be an explosion. Outbursts, expressions of anger, attacks, accidents, nervous moves and unforeseen actions are expected. Avoid saying or doing things that you'll regret later, and instead do whatever helps you let off steam and relax.

The difficult aspect of Mars and Uranus affects you more, if you are Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn born at the end of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 17º and 23º of these signs.

You are lucky today if you are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a very passionate Friday with strong emotions!

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