What's in the Stars today, July 28?

You'll have the chance to savor three more emotions: cheerfulness, enthusiasm and optimism

Sun in Leo

Focus on the things that make your life more cheerful, more creative and happier!

The best way to start the day is to do the things you love. In this way, your day will be more beautiful and brighter while you will have more energy

and vitality. Your choices will reward you with a big smile in your eyes and in your heart.

Moon in Sagittarius

A lucky day is ahead!

With the Moon in fiery and fun-loving Sagittarius besides the joy that permeates the atmosphere, you'll have the chance to savour three more emotions: cheerfulness, enthusiasm and optimism. News, gifts, trips, routes and contacts will not only bring positive energy but will also become the trigger to feel that you have the Midas touch, simply because today good fortune hits the roof!

Moon in Capricorn

Tonight you will feel that you can reach for the stars with your feet on the ground!

Tonight the Moon enters Capricorn and forms a positive aspect with Venus indicating opportunities for joy that will not be ephemeral, like sand castles, but solid and realistic. You may find yourself feeling that you are going to miss this day as it will certainly leave behind something that you will always remember.

You are favoured today if you are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius of the first and third decan or if you are Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day, full of joy and happiness!

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