What's in the Stars today, July 30?

Today you'll have the chance to get in touch with people you like or to work on a subject you like!

Moon in Virgo

New facts! With the Moon in Virgo, the sign linked to daily agendas, you should make a mental plan about the daily schedules and priorities of this period and adjust them to your summer routine so that you make the most out of it.

Moon sextile Venus

at 11:25

Do the things that please you! With the Moon in the sign that hates idleness, if you are working, you'll have the chance to get in touch with people you like or to work on a subject you like. If you're on holiday or on leave, the more systemically you get involved with things you like and the more time you give to your relationships the happier you'll feel.

Moon sextile Saturn at 16:27

Time management! Today, especially in the evening, you could arrange appointments with a doctor, an accountant or a technician. Alternatively, you can apply your knowledge or skills as chance - and life – favours the prepared mind.

Luck is particularly on your side if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, happy and utterly creative day!

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