What's in the Stars today, July 5?
At 17:22 the Moon enters the sign of Pisces and hope coexists with confusion, chaos and dreaming. Give yourself some time to relax, find peace, escape the chaotic confusion
Keep your mind alert, alive and clear. It's
Moon in Aquarius – Moon in Pisces
Sometimes in life it's not enough just turning a new leaf; you have to change the whole book! This Sunday begins with a mood for change and a need for discussions regarding your ideals and your expectations for the future. The desire for social contacts will be strong and so will be the need for collective expression while until the afternoon you will make decisions aiming at adopting a new way of life. At 17:22 the Moon enters the sign of Pisces and hope coexists with confusion, chaos and dreaming. Give yourself some time to relax, find peace, escape the chaotic confusion, go to the beach, the mountain, a garden or to a beautiful place to relax your senses.
Sun in Cancer in applying opposition to Pluto at 14º
If you are heading in a direction which makes your fears greater, you're on the right track! These days there is pain, insecurity, fear and worry on a psychological and personal level, as well as on an external and collective level because circumstances demand that you review the past and through difficult situations put an end to something that does not satisfy your needs anymore so that you can make a new beginning! Avoid taking the easy road because this way you will give other people the power to dominate you. Don't turn away from problems - they will come back. You should deal with them.
Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus at 24º Leo
Keep on smiling and if you come across someone without a smile, give them one of yours! The day offers opportunities to meet up with friends, have pleasant contacts, visit people and engage in social activities. Follow your heart, have a good time, flirt, savour the joy of love, take part in beautiful events and keep in mind that in life whatever you do with love succeeds.
You're lucky today if you are Aquarius, Gemini, Libra or Leo, Sagittarius and Aries of the third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful Sunday taking a break from responsibilities and taking advantage of every opportunity for joy, love and happiness!
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