What's in the Stars today, July 8?
These days the universe gives you the opportunity to accomplish things that a while ago you wouldn't even imagine you could
You should be nice to yourself –when everyone else is gone it will be just the two of you!
Moon in Aries
You shouldn't make decisions when you're angry
Mars in Cancer in applying trine to Neptune
Everything can be dealt with, as if by magic. Everything can be learned and sorted out! These days the universe gives you the opportunity to accomplish things that a while ago you wouldn't even imagine you could. Moreover, if life has been unfair to you in specific areas, you will now have the chance to achieve something magical and somehow set joy free. Especially in your professional and love life things can happen that will certainly fix your mood.
Mercury in Cancer from 8/7 to 23/7
Express yourself! If you have been bottling up words, tears, anger you may feel you're choking. The good thing is that now speech allows emotions to reveal themselves, to talk and to vent. Complaints, insecurities as well as romantic and affectionate feelings will accompany your words, proposals and ideas. Trips to the beach, journeys to places that help you relax, family activities and contacts with people close to you are favoured. Your intuition is very strong, there is understanding through words and thoughts with feeling but also bureaucracy in connection with past or fundamental cases while ideas are born based on retro and vintage concepts.
You are favoured today if you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius of the second decan while you benefit particularly by the exceptionally favourable Mars – Neptune combination if you are Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a fabulous day with pleasant and beautiful events!
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