What's in the Stars today, June 2?
The optimistic Moon in Sagittarius has one sole purpose – to teach you that even when communication is not very good or when the atmosphere is hazy, you should always consider the glass half full
I failed a couple of exams but my friend passed all of them. Now he works as a computer engineer for Microsoft and I own the company. Bill
Full Moon at 11º on the Gemini – Sagittarius axis
A hint of optimism amidst the intricate and muddled landscape! Mercury's retrograde motion in combination with the deceptive aspects of Neptune of the previous days – and whose influence is still active – indicate that the lack of developments and all the confusion around you threaten to throw you into the arms of insecurity. But the optimistic Moon in Sagittarius has one sole purpose – to teach you that even when communication is not very good or when the atmosphere is hazy, you should always consider the glass half full. So, focus on how you can open new doors in your life, relationships, work and daily routines through events that have to do with exams, studying, foreign countries, sport, the intellect and movement.
Aspects of the Moon
No matter what happens around you, have faith in yourself, have faith in life, have faith in the future. Surrounded by an unstable and ever changing landscape indicated by the unfavourable aspects of the Moon to Mercury and Neptune, you want to have a cheerful break that will allow you to overcome the confusion, insecurity and uncertainty of the times. The ruler of today's Moon, lucky and expansive Jupiter, is in the forceful and determined sign of Leo indicating that you have to fight like a mighty lion for whatever it is that makes your heart beat happily. A fighting spirit, stability, faith and pride will take you where you want whereas arrogance, uncontainable lust and an uncontrollable desire for power will take down the wrong path. It all depends on you. Have faith in yourself, acknowledge any mistakes you've made and move on. You have to fight for something better, it won't happen on its own!
You are lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Aries, or Leo of the first and second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day. Don't miss out on the positive side of things and make sure you take advantage of the potential behind developments, outcomes or circumstances.
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