What's in the Stars today, June 6?

Surrender yourself to today and tomorrow's frenzy of sociability, surprise and excite people, discover things, and seize every opportunity to have a fabulous time

Set sail away from the routine. A great weekend awaits. Enjoy!

Moon in Aquarius

Enjoy the twists like a beautiful

unexpected hot kiss! Nothing today reminds you of yesterday nor the mess of the week just gone. Today the independent and breezy Moon in Aquarius invites you to break any ties with the previous days and experience a wonderful weekend. Surrender yourself to today and tomorrow's frenzy of sociability, surprise and excite people, discover things, and seize every opportunity to have a fabulous time.

Venus in Leo trine retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius

Keep the fire of your relationship burning! These days, you may feel that if there is something worth keeping from these tumultuous times it is the need for good relationships in your life. Now more than ever you feel that companionship is a sacred thing and that having healthy relationships in your professional life, or with your family or friends is a source of happiness. So, look after your relationships, support them and make choices that will help them to radiate harmony for a long time. You are particularly favoured if you are Leo, Sagittarius or Aries of the first days.

Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter at 17º Leo

Act fast, and be smart and flexible in order to achieve what you want! This is a positive time for a favourable outcome in matters related to new beginnings and actions both in your personal and professional life. Ask for a favour or take the initiative regarding young people, friends, teachers or instructors. Promote your professional plans that have to do with the intellect, communication, moving about, travelling or sport. Use your sense of humour to flirt with wit and courage or take the extra step to turn the dating to a relationship and rest assured that you'll be a winner! You are luckier if you are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Leo and Aries of the second decan.

You are favoured today if you are Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a great weekend full of extra wonderful moments!

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