What's in the Stars today, March 24?
With Venus at home in the fixed earth sign of Taurus in a positive aspect to dreamy Neptune, you can now experience magic in your relationships...
In relationships there is magic when there's chemistry!
The happiness of the day relies on how you manage your stubbornness and the quality of your thoughts! The day begins with the Moon in stable and earthy Taurus boosting your desire to be stubborn and persevering, to have both feet firmly planted on the ground, to see results, and to enjoy moments of peace, love and euphoria. Persevere without obsessing and everything will be alright. At 15:22 the Moon enters the chatty sign of Gemini which strengthens your desire to be with people, go out, travel, be active, exercise, learn, write, flirt and be with younger people. Energize your body and mind and the rest of the day will be cheerful, breezy, colourful and fun.
Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune at 8° Pisces
When it comes to your relationships, where there's chemistry, there's magic! With Venus at home in the fixed earth sign of Taurus in a positive aspect to dreamy Neptune, you can now experience magic in your relationships. Beautiful chemistry can develop between you and someone else which can lead to a strong relationship or even a wedding. All it takes from you and the other person for the relationship to have a powerful magical scent is love, loyalty, devotion, satisfaction and perseverance. This is a time for love affairs, beautiful weddings, artistic and musical events, financial agreements, monetary opportunities and gifts, inspired decorative creations and ornamentation.
You'll receive the gifts of the favourable Venus – Neptune aspect if you are Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer or Capricorn of the first decan.
Sun in Aries in applying trine to Saturn in Sagittarius
Use your uniqueness to gain recognition and appreciation! The Sun in Aries brings out your special abilities and your unique talents. The positive aspect it forms with high-achieving Saturn means that these days you will achieve self-respect and also win the respect of others by being yourself and doing the things you love. It's a good time for contacts with employers, managers, coaches, teachers, older and wiser people.
This is a particularly positive aspect if you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo of the first decan.
You are lucky today if you are Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn of the last days, and Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, powerful day full of elation and joy!
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