What's in the Stars today, March 25?

With the Moon in Gemini, this day has a madness, a breeze and a freshness that are contagious. You are thirsty for knowledge, you want to be active, to exercise, flirt and communicate...

You were not born to be like others, and others were not born to make you like them. You were born to be special!

Moon in Gemini

Vigour, a sharp mind, vitality and courtship! With the Moon

in Gemini, this day has a madness, a breeze and a freshness that are contagious. You are thirsty for knowledge, you want to be active, to exercise, flirt and communicate. At the same time, circumstances help you to feel that, irrespective of age, your spirit and your heart are youthful, vigorous, spirited and cheerful.

Sun in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius

Your truth is your sword on the path to success! Ambition, assertiveness, distinction, recognition from respected individuals, increased productivity, training in order to get to the top and powerful choices for high-achievers are prominent at this time. Whether they are successful or not depends not only on perseverance and good planning, but also on how well you defend and bring out your uniqueness. Even if it's about something anyone can do, your way is special! Don't lose yourself in comparisons with others; live your life in a way that puts your gifts, talents and desires to good use and you will be happy to be around yourself.
The favourable SunSaturn aspect influences you more if you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo of the first decan.

You are favoured today if you are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius of the second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful and active day in which your heart pulsates to the rhythm of joy, success and happiness.

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