What's in the Stars today, March 29?
With Venus, which symbolises beauty, money and relationships, in a positive aspect with transformative Pluto, get ready to experience powerful events in these areas, events that won't just change your life, they will transform it...
Spring is here and the days are getting longer. Today we turn the clock forward
The last Sunday of March brings summer time and a summery mood! The day begins with the Moon in nostalgic and sentimental Cancer. Early in the morning the right conditions are created for you to reminisce about people and events and also to engage in things that please your soul. You may lose an hour's sleep today but on the other hand the days are getting longer and you'll enjoy more daytime. At 08:47 the Moon moves into the house of the Sun, bright and glamorous Leo, and you begin a mental countdown to summer. This is a day of joy, love, admiration, and fun!
Venus in Taurus in applying trine to Pluto
Love, joy and their magic wand! With Venus, which symbolises beauty, money and relationships, in a positive aspect with transformative Pluto, get ready to experience powerful events in these areas, events that won't just change your life, they will transform it. Relationships for life and karmic loves are created, bonds are strengthened and become more substantial, passion in relationships is increased, love choices give a different shape and colour to things and people; financial agreements or developments shape the conditions for you to create a new, more beautiful and more satisfying life.
You will receive more gifts of this Venus – Pluto aspect that will radically transform the course of your relationships and your finances as well as other aspects of your life if you are Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or other astrological markers are between 11° and 18° of earth signs.
You are favoured today if you are Leo, Sagittarius or Aries of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful and pleasant Sunday that will offer you strong joyful feelings and happiness!
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