What's in the Stars today, March 8?
With the Moon in polished, gentle and well-mannered Libra, the International Women's Day is a good opportunity to offer flowers or a gift, to offer your wishes for the day with love and a smile on your face and, in general, to do something pleasant and
International Women's Day. Our best wishes to every woman out there!
Moon in Libra
International Women's Day! With the Moon in the sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, this is a feminine day. Women, daughters, girlfriends, wives, mistresses, mothers celebrate! With the Moon in polished, gentle and well-mannered Libra, the International Women's Day is a good opportunity to offer flowers or a gift, to offer your wishes for the day with love and a smile on your face and, in general, to do something pleasant and beautiful. At the same time, the sociable nature of the sign favours a ladies' night out, as well as everyone else to go out and have fun.
Aspects of the Moon
You don't have to go to extremes to have a good time! This Sunday begins with the breezy and smiling Moon in a sextile with Jupiter enabling you to do things that make you feel good, to communicate and enjoy your time with others. Then, it meets unpredictable Uranus and events linked to other people may become the reason for you to lose your patience, while the square with Pluto indicates that you may feel that a friend, a partner or someone else is trying to entrap you into something you don't like, breaking your heart in the process. On the other hand, today you can seek alternative ways of entertainment or celebration, without going to extremes, and to take part in whatever helps you feel intense and strong passion. Later, the Moon in Libra meets Venus in Aries indicating that you can beat unpleasant feelings caused by others and in fact do it fast, by claiming your rights, showing strength, assertiveness and love for yourself.
You're lucky today if you are Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, happy and utterly wonderful Sunday!
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