What's in the Stars today, May 1?
With the sociable and tasteful Libra Moon, the custom of the day offers a fantastic opportunity to seek the beauty and freshness of nature. Go out with others and in a positive spring mood,
Enjoy May Day!
Moon in Libra
Have a good month! May is making an entrance with the beautiful, breezy and cheerful Moon in Libra giving the possibility for the month to begin with joy, a light mood and smiles. Tradition asks that a May wreath is hung on the door of every house. With the sociable and tasteful Libra Moon, the custom of the day offers a fantastic opportunity to seek the beauty and freshness of nature. Go out with others and in a positive spring mood, pick flowers from the fields and weave colourful wreaths making positive wishes. Relish the happiness of togetherness, love and the power of love, and let the positive energy of the day fill your heart.
Mercury in Gemini 1/5 – 8/7
Expand the range of your interests and fun, courtship and joy will become your middle name! The weather is getting better, the temperature is rising, and with the assistance of Mercury from today to 8/7, your mind entertains thoughts about trips, happy outings and courtship with flair, spirit and flexibility. The need to learn and communicate increases the scope of your interests while new acquaintances bring new people that will come and go in your thoughts and also in your life. News, messages, discussions, speeches, lectures and intellectual activities will kindle your curiosity and give you the chance to take advantage of your wit. Go out, travel, meet people, communicate, play and you will be in great spirits.
Luck gives you a friendlier wink if you are Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius of the first and second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, happy and very sexy May Day, and may the whole month be full of good fortune, health, happiness and wellbeing!
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