What's in the Stars today, May 10?
The Sun – Saturn opposition indicates stress, weariness and frustration. Sleep can be an effective remedy, at no extra cost too...
Moon in Virgo
Saturday, 10th May 2014! Today and tomorrow's aspects will prove challenging for a lot of us. Still, with the Moon
Moon in Libra
At 20:18 in the evening the Moon moves into the positive sign of Libra and your top priority should be your relationships and things pertaining to them. Love and communication are two elements of a good relationship. If you focus on them, astrology.gr friend, there will definitely be a happy ending.
Sun opposite Saturn
The Sun – Saturn opposition indicates stress, weariness and frustration. Sleep can be an effective remedy, at no extra cost too. Alternatively, an activity you really enjoy can act as a stress reliever.
Venus opposite Mars & Mercury square Neptune
Under the influence of the unfavourable aspects that culminate tomorrow make sure your nose doesn't grow longer like Pinocchio's and/or you don't get involved in brawls.
If you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn or Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer of the second half of the third decan, luck is on your side.
Astrology.gr wishes you a weekend dedicated to the recovery of your physical and mental well-being.
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