What's in the Stars today, May 19?
The Moon meets Jupiter and you are in a spirited and optimistic mood which encourages ideas, suggestions and social gatherings that aim at something pleasant or very positive for you...
Mercury retrograde 19/5 to 12/6. Don't let it scare you. If Cinderella hadn't left her crystal
Moon in Gemini
Courtship, outings, discussions and plenty of fun! The day begins with an awkward feel thanks to the confusing aspect of the Moon to Neptune, showing that when it comes to contacts and communication, you have some doubts or something does not feel quite right. Later, the Moon meets Jupiter and you are in a spirited and optimistic mood which encourages ideas, suggestions and social gatherings that aim at something pleasant or very positive for you. In the evening, the Moon meets Uranus and you are attracted by social life while new contacts and unexpected news can put a big smile on your face.
Mercury retrograde from 19/5 to 12/6
Chinese whispers! With Mercury retrograde from today to nearly the middle of June communication is 'blocked'. You will be talking at cross purposes and there will be a lot of misunderstandings. This is not a good time to make deals, sign contracts, buy a car, electrical products, mobile phones or gadgets, or to make changes in your telephone provider. Something may break, you may lose, misplace something or maybe retrieve from the recesses of your memory. Among the good things that come with the retrograde motion of Mercury are people making a come back, people and situations are given a second chance, and also issues, ideas and suggestions that have something interesting to offer are back on the table after a period of oblivion.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful Tuesday. Get away from the daily troubles and open your mind to joy, fun and the lighter side of life.
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