What's in the Stars today, May 20?
The unpredictable and revealing nature of Uranus which rules the sign of Aquarius indicates that the circumstances will reveal the opportunity you've been looking for to free yourself...
Moon in Aquarius
The desire for change is very clear
Mars direct
The direct motion of Mars, the planet of action, is instrumental in accomplishing that. The previously retrograde motion of the planet made you hesitant and indecisive. Regarding relationships and partnerships in particular, you would constantly review things failing to reach a conclusion. From today onwards when the planet turns direct you make decisions followed by actions.
Now, whether you comply with the suggestions of your partner, your friend or your associates or you decide that your differences outweigh the things you have in common and you should part ways, depends on the whole chart. In any case, the key to success is to show understanding and a good heart towards the other half!
You are lucky if you are Aquarius, Libra, Gemini and Aries, Leo, Sagittarius of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day and make sure you don't lose sight of your goals!
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