What's in the Stars today, May 22?
The presence of the Moon in the water sign of Pisces shows your need to seek an inner strength and things that will enable you to relax during the day...
Moon in Pisces
In blissful waters! The presence of the Moon in the water sign
Moon sextile Pluto
Dive into the sea of love! At 13:56 the Moon forms a sextile with Pluto, the planet that regulates libido, and under the aspect's short influence you can surrender to love or whatever pleases you... with wild passion!
Moon trine Jupiter
Happy ending! The evening tonight will feel more like a weekend. You will be able to put your hesitations aside, have a good time and feel the surge of beautiful emotions and joyful feelings.
Hope and love is your anchor today if you are Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer of the second decan.
Irrespective of star sign, astrology.gr friend, if you give your self some spiritual food you can abolish doubt and the feelings of weakness and welcome the gifts of inner faith and peace!
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