What's in the Stars today, May 24?

Today, the road is clear to do or achieve something you've wanted or pursued for a long time and for some reason never materialised...

Moon in Aries

An unquenched thirst for life! Saturday, with the Moon in Aries; it means that to feel good you have to be active

in things that give you pleasure! The aspects the Moon forms today are unfavourable; that means that if you want to increase your odds to achieve something or to experience successful changes, you need to surpass yourself, try something new, think out of the box and, of course, to steer away from thoughtlessness and recklessness.

Jupiter trine Saturn

Today is the culmination of the JupiterSaturn trine, a particularly favourable aspect which gives you the reassurance that you will find the strength you need and the necessary support to make your life better and fuller. The retrograde motion of Saturn shows that you should deal with professional or financial matters that have remained stagnant. In general, the road is clear to do or achieve something you've wanted or pursued for a long time and for some reason never materialised.
You are mostly favoured by this aspect if you are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn born at the end of the second decan.

Be daring and your insecurities will soon lose their grip on you if you are a fire sign – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – or an air sign – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – born between the second half of the first decan and the first half of the second.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful weekend and reminds you to do things that really excite you!

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