What's in the Stars today, May 26?
The positive aspect with Pluto shows that you've got to look deep into your soul to find out what is really important for you today and to what you truly want to commit. Something that will make you give yourself totally to whatever you do
If you want to understand someone's heart and mind, look at what they inspire you to do.
Moon in Virgo
Only when you surrender totally you really give yourself to someone! Today
Mars in Gemini square Neptune at 9° Pisces
Tricks, deceit, trouble and disappointment! These days, you may perceive somebody's behaviour as insidious, hypocritical or immoral if, for example, they steal an idea of yours and present it as theirs, or badmouth you behind your back, lie to you or use their connections to achieve their goals. If you really believe that you should live in an ideal world, you may resort to alcohol, get depressed or be in denial. Come down off your cloud and get ready to live and make it even on days when traps lurk. You will survive. And if you slip on a banana skin, what matters is not the fall but your determination to get back up. Anyone can be conned – what matters is how we react, whether we blame ourselves or learn to live in an unfair world. Laugh in the face of other people's bad behaviour. You can make it even amidst total chaos.
You are more strongly affected by the illusory Mars – Neptune aspect if you are Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius of the first decan or if your Ascendant, Mars or any other planets are between 6° and 12° of the mutable signs.
You are lucky today if you are Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus of the first and second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day where you feel grateful for the good and the bad times because they helped you realise how strong you can be.
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