What's in the Stars today, May 29?
The Moon's aspects with Jupiter and Venus show that to counterbalance the difficulties and challenges of the day you should focus on what you can gain from them
A lot of people think that loneliness is when you're not with someone else. What causes the greatest loneliness though is to be surrounded by the wrong people.
Don't look for justice where it can't be found! The day is full of madness, courtship, communication, contacts, phone calls, and a lot of ups and downs – especially regarding relationships and partnerships. The unfavourable aspects of the Moon with Pluto and Uranus indicate that there will be times that there is no balance, you are on a roller coaster and it's impossible to meet half way with the other person. On the other hand, the aspects with Jupiter and Venus show that to counterbalance the difficulties and challenges of the day you should focus on what you can gain from them. Also, if you don't want to feel that the other person is too cutting, don't open up unless they give you the go ahead. Invitations for an evening out, pleasant happenings, beautiful events and romantic contacts will be the vehicle that carries you to a great weekend.
Mercury square Neptune and in applying conjunction to the Sun
Before you give yourself the diagnosis of depression or low self-esteem, make sure you're not surrounded by the wrong people! This is a time when the tempo of your days has become faster and, in combination with the prevailing climate of uncertainty and insecurity, you may feel that thoughts and messages affect your mood more easily than they would normally do and you cannot focus on what you want. Maybe you are having more pessimistic thoughts because of individuals that have the power to make you worry and undermine your positive ideas and thoughts. Avoid the traps they set for you, they may not even be aware they are doing it, with the help of meditation or prayer, or doing something away from these mental vampires. Another thing you should do is see from a different perspective your relationships with those close to you and the communication problems that resurface, and change the way you think so that you will find success in both your personal and professional life.
You are particularly affected by the aspects of Mercury if you are Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius or Virgo of the first decan. Also, if your Ascendant or Mercury or other planets are between 5º and 11º of mutable signs.
You are favoured today if you are Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful Friday where the ideal meets the real.
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