What's in the Stars today, May 3?
Moon in Gemini & in Cancer
Saturday, May 3rd 2014! Early in the morning when the Moon is in the restless sign of Gemini, movement, trips and contacts are favoured. On the contrary, from 9:12 onwards when the Moon moves into Cancer, you feel the urge to get into your shell, whether that is your home
Mercury opposite Saturn
If you catch yourself grumbling and having pessimistic thoughts, it means you've fallen into the trap of the Mercury – Saturn opposition. Things may look like uphill work because of challenges and delays mainly in financial and romantic matters. Don't worry though; it's not going to be like that forever.
Venus in Aries
New beginnings are on the way regarding money and love. From today to 29th of this month Venus will occupy militant and courageous Aries. This means that both in financial and romantic matters, the time has come, astrology.gr friend, to make a new beginning, to fight and claim. New relationships and partnerships are on fire while there will be tensions and disputes in all relationships. Don't let your ego and haste take control neither of your finances nor of romance.
You're influenced more positively by the transition of Venus through Aries if you are an earth – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – or an air sign - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
If you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces of the first decan, you're in high spirits.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful weekend. Have fun and enjoy beautiful moments with your family.
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