What's in the Stars today, May 30?
At 12:33 the Moon enters the penetrating sign of Scorpio and you are content when you know that you are 100% right in whatever you do, while when it comes to love you will not settle for anything less than everything
When your arms are not long enough to hold everyone close to your heart, send them your thoughts! Have a
Moon in Libra – Moon in Scorpio
So long, farewell, goodbye! The cluster of planets in Gemini promises to turn the last weekend of May into a breezy and spirited medley of contacts, travelling, new friends, and brief get-aways that will bring a fresh air of joy to your experiences. The presence of the Moon in Libra until early in the afternoon indicates that the day is perfect for choices based on good taste and for whatever puts you in a positive mood. At 12:33 the Moon enters the penetrating sign of Scorpio and you are content when you know that you are 100% right in whatever you do, while when it comes to love you will not settle for anything less than everything.
Sun in Gemini conjunct Mercury and in applying square to Neptune
Nearby magical destinations bringing joy, courtship and fun await! At a time characterised by a lot of stress and circumstances that do not offer any guarantee, the best thing you can do is take advantage of invitations and opportunities for travelling and happy and lively exchanges. Rejuvenation, freedom, wellness, courtship, games and fun are only some of the places you will have access to and will enjoy. Yes, there will also be shallow and trivial matters that may trouble you, as well as delays and problems with students, athletes, drivers, travellers, writers, teachers or with relatives, travelling companions or neighbours, but you should not let them rob you of the chance to live beautiful, romantic and healing moments. Make the best of every idea or opportunity, even the smallest, to experience a magical long weekend carefree and happy, and you will benefit both mentally and physically.
The Sun's aspects affect you more if you are Gemini, Pisces, Virgo or Sagittarius of the first decan. Also, if you have astrological markers or planets between 6º and 12º of mutable signs.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Libra, Aquarius or Gemini of the last days, and Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a great long weekend with joy, lovely exchanges and beautiful experiences.
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