What's in the Stars today, May 31?
With the aspect between Sun and Mars you can bring prosperity to your life with the help of your intellect, knowledge, acquaintances, connections and interpersonal relationships...
Moon in Cancer
Flash back! It's the end of May and the Moon in Cancer makes you reminisce about the events of the month. There was sorrow, worry
Sun trine Mars
Many times disappointment becomes the trigger for changes. The trine that culminates at 11:00 encourages you to take action and make things better. You can bring prosperity to your life with the help of your intellect, knowledge, acquaintances, connections and interpersonal relationships.
The favourable aspect between the Sun and Mars influences you more of you are an air sign followed by fire signs, in particular if you were born at the end of the first and the beginning of the second decan.
You are particularly lucky if you are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and you were born at the end of the first and the second half of the second decan.
Irrespective of star sign, astrology.gr friend, if you take advantage of the mood for recollection that the Moon in Cancer loves and look at all the beautiful moments when you felt love and affection, you will realise that what goes around comes around and remember that after a fall there is always a rise.
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