What's in the Stars today, May 6?
You can achieve whatever can make your life more beautiful and offer you in a tangible way the absolute happiness you crave by showing commitment and dedication to your goals
Be the reason why somebody is smiling!
Moon in Sagittarius
Learn, have fun, broaden your horizons and make people
Sun in Taurus trine Pluto at 15° Capricorn
Turn your heart's desire into your daily reality! These days the cosmos calls you to follow the pace of your determination, feel your power, strike the shadows of fear and live the life you want professionally and personally. You can achieve whatever can make your life more beautiful and offer you in a tangible way the absolute happiness you crave by showing commitment and dedication to your goals. People and events will weave your destiny with the thread of karmic coincidences.
The transformative Sun – Pluto aspect influences you in a more powerful way if you are Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces or Scorpio born in the second decan. Also, if any of your personal planets or your Ascendant are between 12° and 18° of these signs.
You are lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Aries or Leo of the first and second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day during which your inner landscape feels like happy and optimistic spring.
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