What's in the Stars today, May 8?
You can have a wonderful day if you focus on improving the negative aspects and strengthening the positive ones of your pursuits.
Moon in Leo and in Virgo
Early in the morning you should concentrate on the best and most promising aspects of your self, a situation or a project. From 9.23 onwards the Moon
This is also a good day to consult your doctor, boost your immune system, look after your diet, to look after yourself in general! When it comes to romance, today there will be plenty of mental games and your intellect takes over in your love choices.
Moon square Mercury
At 12:24 in the afternoon the Moon forms a square with Mercury and your desire for perfection may not be fulfilled as phone calls, messages, discussions or movements are likely to present obstacles. If you are able to foresee the consequences and act accordingly, you will not be overcome with anxiety and a good mood will be on your side!
You're especially favoured if you are Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus and Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, dear astrology.gr friend, you can have a wonderful day if you focus on improving the negative aspects and strengthening the positive ones of your pursuits.
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