What's in the Stars today, May 9?

They may try to underestimate you or say unkind things about your work and contribution regarding your daily life and work or your relationships

Genuinely great people make you feel that you can also be one of them!

Moon in Capricorn

Some people will respect you and some won't. What really matters though, is that you respect

yourself! Today, scared people, people who feel inferior and unimportant, will try to belittle you. They may try to underestimate you or say unkind things about your work and contribution regarding your daily life and work or your relationships. In order to protect your self-respect you may decide to walk away and avoid them or instead stay and fight. There is no right or wrong choice; just listen to the voice of wisdom in your heart.

Mercury in Gemini square Neptune at 9° Pisces

Take what people say with a pinch of salt! These days, wrong judgement and miscalculated moves (in driving, or in intellectual and physical activities) as well as misunderstandings and misinterpretations prevail. Try not to sign any documents or make promises for something because it's more than likely that there will be trouble later. Also, neighbours, siblings, cousins, associates, friends and people you get in touch with for some kind of transaction may lie to you or maybe try to poison you emotionally taking advantage of a brief communication, with their wit or jabber. If you question their intentions, they will say you've got it all wrong. At any rate then, don't make assumptions and don't take anything personally if you don't want to be upset.
Be extra cautious with the nebulous Mercury – Neptune aspect if you are Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, or Sagittarius of the first decan. Also, if your Ascendant or any planets are on the mutable cross between 6° and 12°.

You are lucky today if you are Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus of the second and third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful weekend in which you can generously offer love and joy to yourself and those close to you!

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