What's in the Stars today, November 14?
With the Sun in Scorpio your attention is drawn to areas of your life where you want the ugly, worn out elements to die and something new and beautiful to take their place...
Moon in Leo
Take a glimpse of the sun and all's well! Today is a day of beauty
Sun square Jupiter
You are luck's pet, but don't expect miracles! With the Sun in Scorpio your attention is drawn to areas of your life where you want the ugly, worn out elements to die and something new and beautiful to take their place. The square that the transformative and combative Sun forms with optimistic Jupiter points towards a positive outcome. Don't expect miracles however, because if you do, you may turn your good luck into bad luck. Love and money management are particularly affected.
You're lucky today if you are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries or Aquarius, Libra of the second and third decan.
If you are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius born at the end of the second or the beginning of the third decan, don't let your need for expansion and development push you into irrational over the top demands and greedy desires.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, today the key to health and happiness is in the combination of optimism and self-control.
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