What's in the Stars today, November 16?
From today 16th November to the 10th December, Venus in expansive Sagittarius broadens your horizons in both money and love and encourages you to be more extrovert and adventurous.
Moon in Virgo
True love is not a matter of luck; you've got to work at it! At 07:48 the Moon is in a favourable aspect with Mercury
Venus moves into Sagittarius
Open your heart to the energy of love! From today 16th November to the 10th December, Venus in expansive Sagittarius broadens your horizons in both money and love and encourages you to be more extrovert and adventurous. There could be love affairs, partnerships or financial transactions involving people with a different cultural or ethnic background and educational level.
Mercury sextile Pluto
Do you want to know a secret? Mercury is in Scorpio that loves secrets and forms a positive aspect with deep and insightful Pluto. You discover solutions, you find out about things that were secret or forgotten and you meet people that are here to play a karmic role in your life. Tax adjustments and financial transactions, existential quests as well as passionate dates and trips are favoured.
Neptune direct
It wasn't just a dream! The dreams you have in life are pictures from the book your soul has been writing for you. With Neptune turning direct today miracles happen in your life bestowing your dreams with energy without fear and doubts.
You are favoured today if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn or Scorpio, Pisces of the first and second decan.
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