What's in the Stars today, November 18?

The presence of the Sun in Scorpio, the sign of rebirth, ushers in events that bring radical changes to your body and your mood, your money and love life as well as the very core of your existence.

Moon in Libra

Some relationships are like trees that grow stronger roots in the storm! The day begins with the breezy and sociable

Libra Moon making relationships the focus and drawing attention to demands to restore balance and iron out differences. The unfavourable aspects of the Moon with unpredictable Uranus and hard Pluto indicate that some relationships will go through hell and come out in tatters while others will share the same umbrella and survive the storm.

Sun conjunct Saturn

The point is not where you are now but how far you can reach! The presence of the Sun in Scorpio, the sign of rebirth, ushers in events that bring radical changes to your body and your mood, your money and love life as well as the very core of your existence. The conjunction it forms today with admirably persistent Saturn favours all the above provided you commit yourself. Attention is drawn to issues that have to do with career and closure, managers, supervisors or directors.

Luck is particularly on your side if you are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini of the first and second decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, if you fill your day with love, you'll feel that you can cope with every easy, difficult or unexpected issues that you encounter.

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