What's in the Stars today, November 27?
Today, love can come into your life where you least expect it. In fact, the person may surprise you or the place may be most unlikely and in the most unexpected way.
Moon in Aquarius
If you want different results you've got to start making different choices! With the Moon in rebellious and reformer Uranus you feel the need to escape the claws of conservatism and act in
Venus trine Uranus
Out of the blue, unexpected and breathtaking! Today, love can come into your life where you least expect it. In fact, the person may surprise you or the place may be most unlikely and in the most unexpected way. Happiness can knock on your door in no time. Expect unusual love affairs, new partnerships, surprising gifts, 'mad' financial proposals and unexpected monetary earnings.
Sun square Neptune
Is everything as pretty as it looks? With the Sun in optimist Sagittarius the positive energy in the air boosts adventure, knowledge and entertainment. However, today's aspect with nebulous and delusive Neptune means that you should be careful, especially regarding business matters or sport, education, foreign countries, transport or entertainment, as dangerous and nebulous situations could develop.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Aquarius, Libra, Gemini of the first decan while it's raining unexpected gifts in love and money if you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo born at the beginning of the second decan.
If you are Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces or Gemini of the first decan, be mindful of trouble, unethical or illegal acts, deceit and 'promises' of all kinds.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have an amazing day if you steer away from repetition. Be daring and do something different in any area, from cooking and your daily routine to love and money.
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