What's in the Stars today, October 16?
Today is the perfect time to re-engage in cerebral pursuits and re-connect with people who are knowledgeable regarding beauty and fashion, law and litigation, relationships and marriage.
Moon in Cancer
Do things that excite you! The day begins with the Moon in Cancer drawing your attention to women, past events and the history of your country or your family. At about 13:30 in the afternoon the Moon moves into full of life and fun Leo, and creative projects or pursuits brighten up your day and inspire optimism.
Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury
An air of beauty and intellectual inspiration! Today is the perfect time to re-engage in cerebral pursuits and re-connect with people who are knowledgeable regarding beauty and fashion, law and litigation, relationships and marriage. You are attracted to beautiful and interesting people and you want to learn from them.
Retrograde Mercury in applying sextile to Mars and conjunction to Venus
Activities and romantic affairs start afresh! Today and tomorrow there will be a pleasant energy in the atmosphere allowing you to express anew your interest in words and speech, learning and knowledge, sport and physical exercise. At the same time, these days you may want to give an affair a second chance. You may also dig up some clothes accessories or objects you haven't used for a while.
You are particularly influenced by Mercury's positive aspects if you are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini or Sagittarius, Aries and Leo of the third decan.
You're lucky today if you are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces of the last days or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius of the first days.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can turn this ordinary Thursday into an extraordinary day provided you allow the powerful energy of positive thought to sweep your life and lift your mood.
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