What's in the Stars today, October 19?
With the moon in Taurus, things you should enjoy today include cooking, baking a heart-shaped cake, listening to music, lounging on the sofa, gardening, smooching
Lunar eclipse
At a feverish pace! At about half past two in the morning there is a lunar eclipse in fiery Aries, in the 25th degree in particular. Some events will be the prelude to others that will follow, and hectic preparations could be deemed imperative. You may have to get up early, to hurry in order to have the time to do something or to be the first to get somewhere.
Moon in Taurus
Time to savour the day! At about half past ten in the morning the Moon enters slow and nonchalant Taurus and you want more toned down activities. Things you should enjoy today include cooking, baking a heart-shaped cake, listening to music, lounging on the sofa, gardening, smooching and basically doing something that relaxes and pleases you.
Mars square Neptune
Guard your immune system! Under the influence of tomorrow's illusive aspect between Mars and Neptune, protect yourself from viruses and colds and avoid actions that wear you down or can be detrimental to your health.
Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo of the first decan are lucky today: enjoy the comfort of your armchair, go out for dinner or to a concert. You're also lucky in love.
Have a beautiful Saturday lazing about, having fun and savouring life's pleasures.
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